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The world needs 

Everyone dreams of a glowing, lifelong relationship. But everyday life and time constraints eventually take the shine off many relationships. 

Conflicts in everyday life are often due to assumptions based on feelings that often arise because you compare yourself to others. When the problems arise it is unfortunately for many a big barrier to visiting a couples therapist.

Many arrive late, say they wish they had arrived much earlier, and would like to have been followed up more often than is practically possible in terms of time and money


With Pashn, you can breathe life into love again. The app gives you inspiration to find glow in yourself and in your relationship.


You are not dependent on your partner to participate.



"With Pashn, we will create glowing relationships that last!"
- Nina & Sigmund Sontum

Why Pashn?

Pashn is a service that works to inspire and motivate you to take important steps in your relationship, so that you will experience both excitement and security in your relationship. We provide you with important tools to be able to nurture the relationship and better conditions for becoming a better partner.

Through weekly assignments, you will learn to understand yourself and your partner better. The assignments are specific things you should think about or do - carefully selected by our couple specialists. Pashn will follow you all the way and motivate and cheer on their positive development over time. 

Pashn will inspire you and give you a BOOST everyday!

Contact Us!

Pashn AS

RÃ¥dhusgata 15

3211 Sandefjord

Telephone: 917 70 700

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