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Everyone deserves to have PASHN in their lives!

Do you lack the playfulness and excitement in your relationship?


Maybe you're happy in your relationship, but a little bored?


Take your relationship to new heights, with Pashn!



Receive weekly missions

Pashn gives you weekly missions and challenges, with explanations from Nina and Sigmund about why this is important! 


Pace the relationship

Each week, after completing the assignment, you will be asked to evaluate how the warmth in the relationship feels right then and there. Has the effort paid off on the thermometer? 


Take the conversation to new places

We've all experienced at the dinner table that the conversation can go a little slowly sometimes, and that you often end up discussing practical things? We want to help with this. Get the Pashn app and get suggestions for questions you can ask each other that are sure to take the conversation in different directions than it usually takes.

25 years of experience gathered in one app:

Get a better relationship,


Falling in love should last a lifetime!

Nina and Sigmund Sontum have 25 years' experience as cohabitation therapists. During this time, they have developed tools and exercises that can help you get more PASHN in your relationship. The couple responsible for the content are still playfully in love, and have a glowing coexistence with all that brings.

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